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Bishi motorcycle school
Bishi motorcycle school (1 posts) (7 member)     join group
group type: ALL BIKES
BISHI MOTORCYCLE SCHOOL The most important features of the training program: - An integrated program complies with professional and beginner riding skills. - The program considers Egypt traffic circumstances. - It based on the Motorcycle Safety Foundation courses (MSF). - Contains How to deal with common motorcycles mechanic break downs. - Will teach you the rules of riding with group and signals - One ridercoach for each trainee - Flexible sessions schedules - Record a video for each trainee to allow watching him/her riding mistakes - Addition to the motorcycle the trainee gets during the training: * Full safety gear during sessions include (approved helmet with Bluetooth headset, body armor, knee protectors, and gloves). - Helping you to purchase your dream bike. For application please send to: TEL: 01018867881

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I wanted to call you, but I think it's too late for a call cuz it's near midnight now. I think I'm gonna call you tomorrow morning. Just wanna know which time I can call! Thanks
Posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2016
by Ziyad


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