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Two Wheelers M.C.
Two Wheelers M.C. (1 posts) (6 member)     join group
group type: Cruiser Bikes
Welcome to the Two Wheelers Motorcycles Club! We have started in 2014 for the purpose of enjoying motorcycle riding experience within a crowd you are happy with. The criteria for joining the group: - Membership is opened to anyone who has an interest in cruiser Motorcycles after meeting the member selection criteria. - A minimum age limitation to become a prospect of the TWMC is 25 years old. - A member is required to own a cruiser motorcycle with an engine of not less than 1000cc. - Only cruisers motorcycle are allowed in TWMC - To apply for membership, send us a message and you will be invited for the next ride for board to vote on accepting you as an TWMC member. Ride Safe TWMC

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We ba3dain tayeb
Posted on Wednesday, October 8, 2014
by Mohammed Osama


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